Monday, August 18, 2008

A Downhill-Only Roller Coaster

You know, usually the good thing about life being a roller coaster ride is that it's equally full of the good and bad moments. That would be why right now, at this moment in time, I'm comparing my life (lately) to what feels like a roller coaster that doesn't seem to know how to go back up.

I don't blog to get pity or sypmathy, and I definitely do appreciate true care and concern. I'm a pretty straight shooter with explaining how I feel, so I'm not going to stop being honest now.

I'm really asking lately...why is all this crap happening to me??? Is there really a plan to all this?

Let me re-cap for you, and again, NOT trying to get pity here...

* Lost my baby boy in December.
* Student died in February.
* Sister diagnosed with Lymphoma in April.
* Dad continues to have Parkinson-like illness that remains undiagnosable, therefore
* While leaving Indy last week, found out my dad fell and shattered his upper arm,
requiring surgery. (Yes, the fall could have been worse.)
* While staying overnight with my dad in the hospital, my car gets broken into in the
parking lot. (Sure, kick me while I'm down.)

And wait, it gets even better--

* Didn't care much about most of the stolen items, but was devastated to see that
they stole a necklace my sister Miss gave me for my birthday. It had Tyler's
name etched on the silver pendant and the word "miracle" on the back. They also
took my mustard seed necklace that a friend gave to me in December. I'm not a
diamonds and pearls kind of girl, but those things meant a lot to me.

So, I can feel my boat rocking a lot, and I'm asking questions now... Is there any purpose to all of this? No, I'm not forever turning bitter, I'm just being honest.

I've trusted God's plan through all this, and sometimes it's just down-right scarey to think of what He may have planned next. Sometimes, I do feel like a walking target. No, I don't feel like this all the time...most of the time I know that there is purpose to it all, and I remind myself of my verse-- Jeremiah 29:11.

But right now, I'm just tired. I felt beaten down over the weekend and I'm still feeling it somewhat now. I don't have an inspiration-filled post, just an honest one.

I'm ready for the roller coaster to go up.

And I want my necklaces back, you little redneck jerk.


Unknown said...

Wow, and you are amazing with how positive you are through all of this. We will make it a positive school year and force that roller coaster to go up if we have to...

Childless (for now) said...

Don't know what to say, so (((((HUGS))))) is all I have.


The Burgess Family said...


Steph said...

{{{{Jenn}}}} I am so sorry things are tough right now! Praying for you as always!