Thursday, October 2, 2008

You decide...

Look carefully at these pictures, for they are not pictures I share casually.

Are they pictures of a baby? Of course they are.

See how he grips my finger.

Even at only 25 weeks gestation.

Imagine his soft cries instantly being calmed when he heard his mommy's voice speak to him during his first days. My proudest, happiest moment. He knew me. And often in his first few days, he would stretch his little hand up as I spoke.

Only 25 weeks gestation, but a baby that knew his mommy and daddy and clung to us as much as he could.

So is it my right to unnecessarily kill him while he lies there?

No, that would be called murder, and I would be in jail right now.

But if I kill him while he's still within, or partially within, the safety of my body, then that is okay?? Really?

I have had this opinion long before I ever had the blessing of meeting my baby boy. Whatever you do, don't fool yourself by thinking my strong opinion stems from the traumatic loss of my child. However, I am now one of many who has come face to face with such a little one...a baby that came before their due time. I saw how he was virtually breathing on his own his first couple of days. I saw how he was a normal baby, just minus a few pounds.

And he was born during my second trimester.

Think about it. Look at the facts for yourselves and see the ways abortions are performed. And that's a woman's right, really? If you agree with that, do you have any idea how these are performed and to what age they will perform them to?? They could potentially be performed through third trimester.

Forget passionate opinions. I read the straight facts myself from the American Pregnancy Association website. I wanted to read the unbiased material of how abortions are performed, and it was enough to make me sick.

Knowing people call that a woman's right.... Does the baby have any rights? No, they wouldn't, because they are silent and dependant on the protection from the one carrying them.

I noticed that they often just referred to the baby as "pregnancy tissue." Call me crazy, but my pregnancy tissue comes really close to resembling a baby.

Look at the pictures of Tyler yourself, and tell me if that is simply a fetus, pregnancy tissue. How does its location determine whether it is a valid life, worth saving or obviously worth killing?

I don't understand how we have become so desensitized to this whole concept that we easily refer to it as a woman's rights, and close the discussion.

I believe in women's rights, trust me. But this one does not qualify.

I won't bother describing in detail the many ways the lives of these living, dependant babies are ended. You read and find out for yourself.

American Pregnancy Association

If you are pro-choice, and you decided against reading the above unbiased information, I don't mean this harshly, but please ask yourself why.

Keep whatever opinions you want. But whenever you talk about our women's rights, I hope you remember these pictures. Remember the bond you see happening even at 25 weeks and remember...

He was a baby.


Katrina said...

I soooo agree with you. I dont understand how people are so blind!

Sweetbabs said...

This made me cry. Thank you for sharing.

Lizze said...

Thank you for sharing these pictures of your precius Tyler. We have to preemies and while they weren't micro-preemies our 2 yr old was in the NICU for 2 weeks fighting for his life. I, too, know the pain associated with sharing those photos. So, thank you for sharing. *hugs*

michelle said...

beautifully written, sis! i love you and your words.....

Jocelyn said...

Such sweet pictures. Thanks for speaking for those who have no voice.

Steph said...

{{{{Jenn}}}} Thank you so much for posting this! It is so true! I have to quote Jocelyn, "thanks for speaking for those who have no voice."


Anxious AF said...

So perfectly written. I think of so many moms ending their childs life, becuase they have abnormaliteis, special needs. I look at my Alex and see the beautiful gift that he is. Who wouldnt want that. He isnt typical, but justlike your son, and all those others, he is a baby.

Anonymous said...

Jenn...amazing. I cannot imagine the emotions you go through when you look at those pictures of your sweet little man. I pray that God would use this post to open the eyes of the blind.

Life begins at conception. In my mind there is no questioning that. God doesn't make mistakes...

(((Hugs))) dear friend

Renee said...

I have a dear friend that did just what you describe at 25 weeks. I didn't know about this until after I knew her and her heart. This happened over 17 years ago and each and every day she still grieves over it. The doctor told her that it would be best. Can you believe that?! I just don't understand how someone could do that to a baby but I know that it still hurts her heart. She wishes every day that she could have changed her decision. Life begins when God decides it does...that I do know.

Thank you for sharing your precious Tyler with us. Our babies are playing in a magnificent playground!

Jenn said...

Renee, I can't imagine the heartache your friend wrestled with and still continues to. I really don't want to judge those that are pro-choice, even though I strongly disagree with them. Thank you for sharing this.

And thanks to the rest of you too for your comments!

Geron Brown said...

he is truly a beautiful and incredible boy. after i saw cora's first ultrasound at 8 weeks and saw her tiny heart beating there was no doubt she was my baby. and we had a wonderful doctor who assured us through both pregnancies that no matter what God had a plan for both those babies and abortion would never even be suggested as an option.

thank you for writing this. i am pro-life through and through no matter what the cost.

again, your tyler is a beautiful boy. my best friend has four babies who are probably playing on the same playground as him.


i looked at the other site you mentioned. i had tyler's tiny fingers in my mind's eye the whole time. i was disgusted and heartbroken.

Anonymous said...

Well said Jenn.
God Bless you for sharing your believes by revealing your heart.