You may remember this picture on my sister Melissa's blog. There's a story behind it. I didn't want to share it on her blog, as I want to keep her blog about her and not about me.
When I was in Indy for a couple months, we were walking through a "Hobby Lobby" store. They have every decoration known to man in that store. I told her that I wanted to get a sign that said the word faith on it, and I wanted to set it next to an empty picture frame in my living room. For me, it signified holding out faith for our future child, a child that would actually live here on earth with us. I really felt like I should do this. We saw this sign, and I loved it. Miss, being the kind person she is, wanted to buy it for me.
So after she went into the hospital, I took the sign in for her room. This picture of it was in her hospital room when she had her chemo and bone marrow transplant.
When I returned to PA in March, I put the sign in my living room next to the empty picture frame. Some of you may have noticed it there. I placed a small empty picture frame next to it. It stayed just like that for the next two months, then we found out that another little one was on the way.
There is not power in the sign itself, but faith the size of a mustard seed goes a long way. And encouraging sisters are priceless! I hope I have and can continue to extend that same encouragement to her!
You three are such a blessing to each other... and are so lucky to have each other. Because of this I know that GREAT things are in store for ALL 3 of you!!!! I am following both of your blogs regularly and, of course, praying for both of you. The faith that you three have... IN SPITE of the trials you 2 have been through... IS AMAZING and LIFE CHANGING to all who read. Thank you for being an inspiration... may God continue to bless and HEAL you and Missy.
you two have such a beautiful relationship and I love to read about it. you're so encouraging. i will pray for you and your hubby and your new little one on the way.
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