Monday, July 14, 2008

In Christ Alone by Geoff Moore

Someone just passed on this song to me...I love it.

These words are from the first verse--

"This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!"

What amazing peace we can have when we set aside our own fears and strivings! When we let him pull us out of the raging waters, out of the fiercest storm. Why is it sometimes I refuse to be pulled out, so I stay in those raging waters? But when I do pray to be raised out of the storm, that's what the power of Christ can do. I'm on the cornerstone, feet firmly planted. I can still see the raging waters and feel the winds on my face, but I'm no longer drowning... (Of course, sometimes I do fall back in the water... a lot.)

More words from the song...

"No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny."

I used to struggle with a lot of guilt about Tyler's death. It was my faulty body that gave out on him. Of course, I didn't choose to do it...I know that. But try telling that to a mother who's looking at her newborn baby...a newborn baby who was perfectly healthy until his mommy's body would no longer keep him in. I remember the nurses were so sweet talking to me about this, as I was really having a hard time seeing him for the first time. So much healing has happened with this, only through the power of Christ...

Before losing Tyler, I used to have a huge fear of death. I can't explain how irrational it was. My fear has been that I or Mike would die in a car accident. I have no fear anymore. Mike and I held Tyler as he took his final breaths. All in the same moment, we felt incurable pain, uncontrollable tears, then the silence of peace. I remember feeling peace in that room. And I feel it again when I close my eyes and remember being there in that moment with our son. Now, I said I have no more fear of death...but I definitely don't have a death wish either! I have a lot of living to do, but it will be living without the fear of things that once bound me. I am thankful for the life of Tyler and the time with him as he passed away that taught me this! I am thankful for that time.


Beth said...

Hey, Jenn,
I guess I heard of your blog from Nate Lawrenson and I must have visited in the past as you have my email addy. Anyway, I was checking it out this morning and am in tears. What an awesome God we are privileged to know and serve. It is so true that we don't fully experience Him until we are in the valley and need Him. Yet, He is always near and waiting for us to reach out to Him! Oh, to be fully dependent on Him throughout our entire lives, not just during the storms.
Praying that God will continue to bless and use you. Also praying for your dear sister.
In Him,

StacyandChad said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful song! It's such a reminder to me that peace can come but only through our wonderful Savior and Lord!

twin power mommy ♥ said...

I love that song. We sing it at church and it just really gets to me!

I received your email inviting me to your page. I don't know how you heard about me, or got my email, but i am glad you did. I am sorry you lost your little guy.
If you are able and willing to, please stop by my page and let me know a bit more about this precious baby boy of yours...

Jocelyn said...

Hey Jenn,
It was good to see you yesterday! What a great sister! Hope you get time to rest up before school starts! You're in my prayers.

Jimmy Sadler said...

Thank you for this amazing testimony. I am moved and my faith has been encouraged. Thank You for your willingness to be vulnerable.